Saturday, July 12, 2008


A. Attached or Single: Attatched
B. Best Friend: Jesse Caron & my sisters- it's a tie all around
C. Cake or Pie: Cake- duh!
D. Day of Choice: Saturday
E. Essential Item: my mom- she makes the best hot chocolate in the world lol, does that count?
F. Flavor of Ice Cream: Jamoca Almond Fudge
G. Gummy bears or Worms: Sour gummy worms- preferably stale, lol
H. Hometown: Fresyes
I. Indulgences: ooohhhh getting great buys on clearance- I have to stop myself sometimes
J. January or July: July
K. Kids: nope gots none- and hopefully won't for a couple of years ;)
L. Last Movie I saw in a Theater: Expelled- saw it with the church
M. Middle Name: lol John- it was a tradition in Russa/Armenia to name the first child after the father, thank God they made it my middle name instead of my first- I just tell people Joan to avoid the retelling of the story- I think it's kind of cool though.
N. Number of Siblings: 3- including Juuleeya!
O. Orange or Apples: mmm...oranges- think of the citrus!
P. Phobias or fears: blood coming out of appendages
Q. Quote: no cuts, no butts, no coconuts (4th grade)
R. Reasons to Smile: a day when the wind is blowing lightly and the sun is just spending a lazy day in the sky- when I take a walk in woodward park and enjoy the alone time with God in intimacy
S. Season: Summer! I love it so much I'll probably name one of my girls that.
T. Tag 3: Azy, Scott, and Arev so she'll have to start a blog, lol
U. Unknown fact about me: sometimes I listen to spanish music just cause
V. Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: oppressor all the way- when I look at cows all I can think of all the steak I could eat.
W. Worst Habit: biting my nails
X. X-rays or Ultra-sounds: Ultra sounds, at least the gelly stuff is warm, I don't like standing on a cold floor for the x-rays.
Y. Your favorite food: hmm...I think it's a tie between the Bay Scallop Sushi roll and a Dominoz Pizza with only Canadian Bacon on top. yum...I'm hungry.
Z. Zodiac: I'm a Leo- use to study all that stuff in depth before I became a Christian- then I threw all my horoscope books away. but I'm supposedly very stubborn- you can verify that with Jesse.


Julia said...

My name is "Julia", you know... (lol)

Arev said...

I like cake too. I think we should have a cake party and eat cake. :)
p.s: i started a blog, happy now? lol