Saturday, July 12, 2008


So this has been an interesting and tiring week all at the same time. Some how we ended up with about a hundred fifth and sixth graders. It was crazy when we were getting to all the trips on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Out of all the days my favorites were Monday when I got to take over for Hilary as a sixth grade leader -I really got a great chance to bond with our boys! Which never happens because to me- they are one of the more frustrating parts of ministry to deal with some times. But by the end of it I think the boys actually admired me because I made them stand up on the chairs for worship and yell their lungs out. They learned my name so fast, I loved hearing them run up to me and say "Arpee, Arpee!". I don't think I'll have a day like that again.
That is one of those memories that I like to lock up in my memory bank to look back on again some day and wish for another one.

My second favorite day of the week was Wednesday- water day. Kendell was so cool (one of our helpers whose in high school). Every time she would head up the slide she'd turn around and yell for me to come up with her. lol, She even told me the best way to go down (which we were warning the kids not to do ;) which was head first). At one point I was heading up one side of the slide and my foot slipped and I fell back taking everyone else behind me down as well, then the boys did it again except I was about to climb up so when I saw everyone falling towards me I jumped out of the way. It was awesome being wet the whole day in the 110 degree heat. All of Hilary's kids were watching by the side and the adults were going crazy with the slip n slide and the hoses and the water slide- spraying each other and just enjoying the feeling- it was awesome!

As for the job hunt- for some reason I've been feeling like Gods been encouraging me to take it day by day- even though it still stresses me out I just have to accept that this is where God prefers to have me right now and in order to serve him this is the best place I can be.

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