Thursday, August 14, 2008

I'm back!

Yay! I'm back online- this only took about forever! my computer was slowly starting to die on me and I couldn't watch it sink down in to nothingness so I stopped using it completely. Jesse is more connected online and had to deal with the dumb Dell computer- this was bad and it didn't even have a virus! it took ten minutes to load sometimes fifteen and if you tried to open a program up in the middle of the loading process (heaven forbid) it would take twenty minutes total and to top that it would freeze when it was done- can you believe this? Me and Jess decided that the next computer we invest our money into is definately Not going to be a pc- it's going to be a mac. Wow I never thought we would have turned but Dell did it.

Any ways the coolest part of my day yesterday was that I got to talk online with Julia who's in Japan! it was so nice to hear from her and I didn't realize it until I began chatting but I missed her so much and to know she was so far away was sad. I did want to ask her how great the possibility was for her to jump from Japan and into China to see the Olympics- but I think that would sound way too dumb, lol, so I didn't ask.

Onto the hard stuff- so they let Jesse go from NewCov cause of budget problems., now we're both home with some projects to do but I find myself flipping back and forth through different emotions. Mad at everything- including the church and then I feel so free because we are no longer tied down to New Cov. I remeber feeling a little trapped because of this job because I thought we'd always have to stay in Fresno. I honestly thought Jesse would have this job forever. I thought maybe ten years down the road God would call us somewhere else but I didn't think it would happen 8 months into the job ya know?

Anyways I've been sruggling with understanding and trusting in the goodness of Godand I came across this in Tozers The knowledge of the Holy written by Charles Wesley

O God, my hope, my heavenly rest,
My all of happiness below,
Grand my importunate request,
To me, to me, Thy goodness show;
Thy beatific face display,
The brightness of eternal day.

Before my faith's enlightened eyes,
Make all Thy gracious goodness pass;
Thy goodness is the sight I prize;
O might I see Thy smiling face;
Thy nature in my soul proclaim,
Reveal Thy love, Thy glorious name


Julia said...

It was great to chat with you, too. Too bad we were cut off by the crazy internet here at the office.
To answer your question about China^ chances are that I probably -won`t- be hopping onto any planes anytime in the next few months.
Let`s chat again sometime. :)

Unknown said...

great poem. If only we could keep that kind of mindset. It does make our light and momentary afflictions perspective doesnt it.